Drag show etiquette…

We are often asked how to behave at Haus of Kinki shows, or for drag shows in general. Here are a few things you should keep in mind as an audience member.

What to and what not to do

  • "Mind Your Hands手をつけて"

    We want to hug you too, but look and don`t touch. The make up took 2 hours, the sequins get caught, and we are sweaty. Also, sometimes, that is our real bum bum. 僕らも抱きしめたい気持ちはあるけど、クイーンを触らないでね。メイクは2時間かかっちゃったし、汗かいちゃってるし、コスチュームが大事なものね。

  • "And Your Manner マナーを守り"

    Performers love tips, and they love to interact with you! Keep in mind that if you offer a tip and take it back jokingly, they won`t be happy. They`re not dogs. パフォーマーはチップをもらうのが大好きで、あなたとのやり取りも楽しんでいます!ただし、冗談でチップを渡してから取り返すと、彼らは幸せではありません。彼らは犬ではありませんからね。

  • "Know Your Placeステージルール"

    We love audience interaction, its what gives us energy, but please, if you arent invited on to the stage, dont get on the stage.If you want to perform, let us know!観客とのインタラクションが大好きで、それが僕らにエネルギーを与えるんだけど、招待されていないのにステージに上がらないでね。もし舞台に立ちたい場合は、教えてくださいね!

  • "Respect The Artリスペクト"

    We spend a lot of time and energy preparing for our time on stage. It`s exciting, but don`t interrupt or heckle. Just enjoy the visuals.”


  • "Scream For Everything声出して!"

    There is one universal rule at a drag show. You must scream for your life and clap for everything. You`ll want to anyway. あんまり楽しくなかったパフォーマンスもを拍手しようよ

  • "Let Yourself Go"

    Our spaces are for everyone. Free yourself from judgement and intimidations. Everyone is on their own journey.


  • "Support Your Local Artists"

    We understand not everyone can tip 1000 yen e very time, that`s why we made Kinki Ka$h. A like, a follow, a share and a tag goes a long way!

  • “Drag Up”

    Listen if you want to do a face, we`re here for it! Paint yourself as wild as you want to!